Online SBT Dakini Series XII
with Dakini magic wheel
5 Saturdays, June 3 - July 1, 2023
11 am - 12:30 pm, PDT
![Dakini Magic Wheels Sample](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/72351d_959f94d44ffe4338ba16420371810189f002.jpg/v1/fill/w_600,h_338,enc_auto/file.jpeg 1x, https://static.wixstatic.com/media/72351d_959f94d44ffe4338ba16420371810189f002.jpg/v1/fill/w_1200,h_675,enc_auto/file.jpeg 2x, https://static.wixstatic.com/media/72351d_959f94d44ffe4338ba16420371810189f002.jpg/v1/fill/w_1800,h_1013,enc_auto/file.jpeg 3x)
Dakini Magic Wheels Sample
“We (Westerners in the twenty-first century) need
the atomic energy of inner fire
to blast us out of our delusion.”
- Lama Yeshe (1935–1984)
JOIN Khandro-la and fellow yogis and yoginis for this special Subtle Body Training - DAKINI SERIES XII, TUMMO - "FIERCE LADY" (English translation of Tummo) With Dakini Magic Wheel. Discover the Fierce Lady, Inner Fire (tummo in Tib.), who is the source of transformation of ordinary desire and delusions into great bliss, and the basis of all the advanced tantric practices. This TUMMO practice will be conjoined with the Dakini Magic Wheel exercises to prepare our subtle body for Inner Fire. As a continued exploration of Tummo "Fierce Lady" within our subtle bodies, this series will also explore the four blisses or joys that arise from untying the knots around the central channel, igniting, blazing and melting.
While dancing or doing movements to untie the knots,
we are also untying this self-grasping,
solidification of self-existence and phenomena,
this innately stubborn misperception.
Each week, experiential learning of Inner Fire will be supplemented by certain Dakini exercises and movements to assist in loosening the subtle body, which is necessary for this practice to be effective. The traditional six Magic Wheel (trulkor in Tib.) exercises based on the Ear-Whispered Lineage will also be incorporated to aid transformation. In this series, Khandro-la will incorporate materials from her newly published book, DAKINI JOURNEY IN THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD.
Whether you are just embarking on the path of Buddhist tantric practice and yoga or have been studying and teaching for years, we invite you to join us for this unique and potent exploration of our body as Dakinis. Come and join us to see how this magic will unfold in you! This series could lead you to a unique and evolutionary home practice experience resulting in genuine transformation. You will also have access to TUMMO eLearning materials.
Subtle Body Training is an integrated, transformative spiritual journey based on the advanced tantric theory that weaves together tantric techniques of subtle body-oriented practices, chanting, meditation, and breathing practices as well as the contemporary discipline of the biomechanics of yoga.
This class is open to people at all levels of physical ability who have an interest in bringing this profound practice into their daily lives to transform conflicted emotions. Tantric Vows (including Refuge & Bodhicitta) are strongly encouraged but not required. Please notify us of your background and interest in the registration form.
Please register in advance by completing the form here along with submitting the corresponding payment by April 16. You will receive a Zoom Meeting invitation in advance and any supplementary material needed.
Free of charge for Sponsor Members as part of 2 free series per year (donations are welcome and appreciated)
$75 for other DW Members
$95 for Non-Members
$20 for drop-in
Not yet a member but would like to be? Please click here to complete that process before registration. Those who are DW members, if you need the scholarship to participate in this pilgrimage, please email dakiniswhisperteam@gmail.com.
Please notify us if there is any specific physical condition of which we may need to be aware such as high blood pressure.
Avoid eating heavy food one hour before the class.
We will adapt both standing and seated postures and movements so please arrange the computer accordingly in advance.
Also, please wear a light cloth that allows you to touch your skin directly.
Keep your video on during the sessions as a way to connect more intimately with our teacher, Khandro-la, and with each other.
Prepare some blankets and a pillow to lay down on the floor for restorative posture in the end.
Due to the experiential nature of the class and the fact that tantric transmission is a part of the offerings, all the video recordings of sessions are not available to students who miss a session.
However, the recordings of some drill exercises will be available on eLearning for those participants.
If you have any questions, please contact Ellen at dakiniswhiserteam@gmail.com.