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Gerald Frie
Jul 21, 2024
In Meeting the Dakini!
That‘s from a sutra teaching (2nd slogan of lojong/ Mind training). Dharmas means appearances (here).
The Dakinis try to help me to realize that all is dream-like, projections of my mind. How amazingly great is my responsibility for all I perceive now…
The following, a bit similar sentence has also great meaning to me in the moment: „Life is a dream from which we must awaken before we can dream again.“
Also with the aid of Dakinis, right? At least it seems so to me right now.
I wanted to share this, because I would be glad, to have an unbiased and further ongoing exchange about how the Dakinis come alive in our personal lifes…
Gerald Frie
Jul 12, 2024
In Vajrayogini
Chewing on that, I found a picture in my library, which gave me start on this topic.
Can you relate to it? How do you envision or think about sacred pride or even any kind of ‚selfless feelings‘? Are they - in your perception - different from our ordinary ones in terms of their flavours?
A colleague told me about her young daughter singing in a church and described how she literally melt away and blushed with motherly affection…
Could you differentiate or be more specific on that?
Gerald Frie
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