Untying the Knots through Dancing, Resting and Meditation
3 Saturdays, July 2, 9 & 16 , 2022
1:30 - 3:15 pm, Pacific Time
(Artwork by Lasha Mutual)
Look at appearance—emptiness forms,
Listen to sound and emptiness sounds,
Rest in mind’s nature, clarity-emptiness,
And when your thoughts free themselves,
Laugh, oh laugh,
From SBT “Dance of the Dakinis Laughing at Appearances”
JOIN your fellow DAKINIS for DAKINI SERIES VI to explore various loving, fun and skillful ways to untie the knots in the subtle body!
Knots and kinks that are formed within and around the subtle body manifest as various hindrances in our physical, psychological and emotional dimensions. Our own spiritual journey can become a hindrance, if we practice Dharma merely based on beliefs, dogma or hierarchies of fixed ideas and exclude our direct experience of joy, freedom and authenticity. So, it is intentional that this provocative exploration may challenge, in a fun way, our idea about dharma practice as well as our “ordinary” way of living life.
During each 1-hour 45-minutes class, we will explore our subtle body through movement and Tibetan yoga, followed by resting in restorative posture and meditation during the last 20 minutes.
DAKINI’S LAUGHTER will be experiential, intimate and direct, connecting with our subtle, feeling, and energetic body in the form of stillness, movements, singing, dancing resting and meditating. This integrated approach is called Subtle Body Training, a transformative spiritual journey based on advanced Tantric theory that weaves together tantric techniques of subtle body-oriented practices, chanting, meditation, and breathing practices. Whether you are just embarking on the path of Buddhist Tantric practice, yoga, or have been studying and teaching for years, we invite you to join us for this unique and potent exploration of dakinis. This series could lead you to a unique and evolutionary home study experience resulting in genuine transformation.
NOTE: This will be the last SBT series in the summer of this year.
Below, you can read about what students say about Dakini's Whisper Subtle Body Training.
Members, $55, Non-Members, $75
Single "Drop-In" Class: $25
This class is open to all levels of physical ability. However, please notify us if there is any specific physical or mental condition we may need to be aware of.
Please register in advance by completing the form HERE and submitting the corresponding payment. You will receive a Zoom Meeting invitation in advance.
Not yet a DW member but would like to be? Please click here to complete that process prior to class registration.