Oral and Musical Transmission Offered Online by Chöying Khandro
Registration is Required.
Saturday, November 20
12 noon – 1 pm, PST
In the midst of a time of global and personal conflict and turbulence, the practices of CHO, Guru Yoga, and FIve Dakinis provide us with powerful tools to transform not only our own minds but also our relationship with this challenging and conflicted world. The dharma demands that we embrace the dilemmas of our age with love, wisdom, and courage.
This special occasion is dedicated to oral & musical transmissions (lung) that have come from the unbroken river of blessings called "the Ear-Whispered Lineage." We warmly invite you regardless of your affiliations! So, if you have a resonance with this invitation, please join us. (Refuge and Tantric Vows are recommended.) If you are a CHO MASTERY JOURNEY student and have not received this blessing, please take this opportunity to attend.
The oral and musical transmissions of the following practices will be offered -
Five Dakini Retreat Manual (Five Dakini Practice)
The Seven PEs (The concise CHO practice)
A Thousand Deities of Bliss Heaven (Ganden Lhagyama) with the Preliminary (Guru Yoga)
Fore more information and registration, please go here.