November 12, 2023
5-7:30 pm EST
Tara Rose Center
5039 Connecticut Ave., NW #7
Washington, DC 20008
Registration is required
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“Humanity is walking in the darkness of the charnel ground right now. We are called to walk this ground together and see it in the light of great opportunity and the great gift of the wisdom of Dakini.”
— Choying Khandro, from Dakini Journey in the Contemporary World
Come join us — either in person or online — for this free public event. Through the lens of Tibetan Buddhist teacher Choying Khandro’s new book, Dakini Journey in the Contemporary World: The Heart of Cho, Volume Two, we’ll explore the meaning of Dakini in the contemporary world and how we can show up as the benevolent presence that we truly are in these urgent and chaotic times. Explore and discover why Dakinis are so critical in today’s world and how we can make relationships with them to fully and meaningfully live in this world.
Khandro-la, as her students affectionately call her, will be joining us online from Japan.
“It is a stressful yet exciting time and each of us has something wonderful to contribute to the whole—our gifts, our abilities, and our buddha-nature. Whatever we have to offer is needed now more than ever. Dakini within each of us is calling us to wake up and serve.” — Choying Khandro, from Dakini Journey in the Contemporary World
Dakini is considered in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition to be the compassionate embodiment of feminine wisdom or “inner wakefulness” – the awakened expression of Buddha mind, paradoxically found everywhere and yet nowhere. Chöying Khandro’s latest book takes the reader on a deep dive into the heart of the Dakini. Not an academic endeavor, Dakini Journey emerged from Khandro-la’s personal experience of Dakini based on the Ganden and Dakini Ear Whispered Lineage practices. These teachings and practices were conveyed to her over many years by her Tibetan teachers, most notably the Ninth Khalkha Jetsun Dampa. Her instructions and meditations are solidly based on Vajrayana Buddhist precepts and practices, yet they are quite intimate and experiential and applicable to the contemporary world.
These ancient teachings, so relevant in this complex and challenging time, are brought to life in Dakini Journey in a contemporary, accessible, and integrative manner. Through teachings, meditations, and dialogue with student practitioners, Chöying Khandro invites the reader to a rigorous self-inquiry, looking into our own feelings and experiences as expressions of the five elemental Dakinis. There we find the voice of the Dakini, or “sky-dancer,” the free and awakened awareness dwelling within.
Chöying Khandro has been recognized as an inspiring, innovative, and accessible teacher of Tibetan Buddhism in the West for 25 years. Trained in India and the Himalayas from 1976 to 1985 under the great Tibetan masters of that time, she holds Buddhist Studies degrees from Waseda University and the University of Michigan and is also trained in body-oriented disciplines. As a heart disciple of the late Ninth Khalkha Jetsun Dampa, Khandro completed the protocols of the rare and precious Machik Dakini Ear-Whispered Lineage of Chö. Inspired by his encouragement, she founded and is the spiritual leader of Dakini’s Whisper, an international online community whose mission is to integrate ancient wisdom into the lives of dedicated, contemporary practitioners around the world.
Date: Sunday, November 12, 2023
Time: 5-7:30 p.m. EST
Location: Online or in-person. Please register below.
Online - The Zoom link is
In-Person - Tara Rose Center, 5039 Connecticut Ave., NW #7, Washington, DC 20008
Cost: Free
Registration: We ask that you register in advance here for this free event. Please indicate if you plan to join us online or in-person at the Center — while virtual registrations are unlimited, we only have 15 spaces available for in-person attendees. Select which format you’d like to attend below to be taken to the appropriate registration form:
Although there is no cost for this public teaching, DANA (donation) is always gratefully accepted here.