DATE and TIME - Sunday, December 22, 11 am – 3 pm, PST
All are invited!
Dakini’s Whisper invites you all to join us on this special day of celebration of the year 2019.
December 22nd is the shortest day in the Northern hemisphere – the Midwinter. This is the darkest point of the year, and the forces of darkness and light hang in the balance which carries a lot of symbolism to be reflected upon, especially for Chöpas. It is of course also the end of the astronomical New Year.
Various events listed in the schedule below will be offered from 11 am – 3 pm, PST on that day. We will start out with the 600th celebration of the light-bringer in our tradition – Lama Tsongkhapa Day.
In celebration of this 600th-year celebration of the life of Je Rinpoche, Khandro-la will offer transmission, followed by group practice Lama Tsongkhapa's Guru Yoga, Ganden Lhagyama and his short Lama Rim text as well as the Ngondro Instructions on Prostration for those aspiring yogis and yoginis.
Then, we will crown the celebration with the Tsok feast offering for the Five Dakini Practice. At the conclusion of our celebration, we will recite the King of Prayers as an aspiration and dedication.
Join us in part, if not for the entire event! If you are not a DW member, please register with donation here. You will receive a zoom invite one-hour before the event starts.
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
The topography of the Path (Last Session of Part 1)
Ganden Lhagyama & Short Lam Rim Transmission &Practice
12:30 pm - 1:00 pm
1st Ngondro Instruction – PROSTRATION
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Five Dakini Practice with Feast Offering & Sharing
2:30 pm – 3:00 pm
The King of Prayers & Conclusion