2 Saturdays 1-3 pm PST, Sat 9th and 16th March
FREE to ALL, Registration is Required.
Would you like to discover DAKINIS at your fingertips?
Let’s explore how and give birth to your personal DAKINI with Australian visual artist and sculptor Shona Wilson & Dakini’s Whisper Director Choying Khandro!
DAY 1 - Sat 9th - ‘Dipping our fingers in’.
This workshop is held indoors on Zoom.
For this workshop, you will need:
A table or desk
Some uncluttered floor space
One sheet of white blank paper
a notepad for reflective writing
A phone or camera
Your Dakini eyes and heart
Shona and KL sharing about the Concept of "Dakini In Your Fingertips" and the intention
Theory – View Shona’s samples & Conversation with KL
No.1 exploratory creativity exercise
students sharing
No.2 exploratory creativity exercise
students sharing
Homework explained for next session on March 16th
Day 2 – Sat 16 - ‘Dakinis emerging from your fingertips’.
(going to places that scare us!) - haha hehe
This workshop is held outdoors (preferable) if you can manage it or indoors if you must. But be a courageous Dakini if you can as playing in Nature is SO MUCH MORE REWARDING.
If the weather is unusable – ie windy or raining or snowing or too hot, please be kind to yourself and come inside. Then for this workshop, you will need access to various spaces inside a home or room.
For this workshop, you will need:
to have collected 2 x shoeboxes of natural materials beforehand, of all kinds, some fresh and mostly fallen.
A notepad for writing
A phone or camera
Outdoor appropriate clothing and water, hot tea, and snacks.
Your Dakini eyes and heart
Intro and sharing about our materials discoveries
quick loosening up exercises
sharing experiences
exploratory creativity exercise
Break for a cuppa tea and sharing experiences
making your Dakini ! at last!
Sharing outcomes
Registration is required by clicking the button below. This 4-hour, 2-day workshop will be offered by the generosity of Shona and Khandro-la for all those who are interested free of charge. Donations are always appreciated. If you are requesting the scholarship, please apply here. Upon your registration, you’ll receive the zoom link to join.
Let’s have serious fun!
For more examples of Dakini's Art by Shona and others, please visit Dakini's Corner Blog.
Our new Sky Dancer Podcast featuring Dakini Artists is now on YouTube. Shona will be interviewed for the upcoming episode!