Friday, May 19, 12noon-3pm, PDT
Open to All
The Zoom link:

How auspicious that Dakini Day, May 19, is also Khandro-la's birth day! As a wonderful opportunity to express your appreciation to your teacher, this Dakini Day will be a special celebration of great merits. Please join us for the profound practice of Vajrayogini Cho Tsok, May 19, 12noon-3pm, PDT, and to celebrate Khandro-la's precious human life with joy and gratitude! Bring your big, open heart and, as always, fresh food, i.e., fruits and cookies, as well as your own personal offering of song, dance, or reflection to Khandro-la in a spirit of graceful appreciation. There will be cake, candles, bodhisattva prayers, and the magical dancing of Dakini as we honor our teacher as our own Wisdom Dakini!
We are especially excited that Khandro-la will be publishing her new book, Heart of Cho, Volume 2, Dakini Journey in the Contemporary World, very soon! And Volume 3, Five Dakinis Journey with the Lineage, will follow closely behind. Hear what Khandro-la had to say about her inspiration for this Heart of Cho series, shortly after the publication of Volume 1.
While no registration is necessary, dana is always appreciated and if you would like to make a contribution for the production of Volume 3, this auspicious occasion of Khandro-la's birth day would be so sweet!
We hope to see you then!