Membership in the Dakini's Whisper Community
The Dakini's Whisper Community is a network of people who aspire to embody Buddhist wisdom by exploring and integrating it into every aspect of life. Membership is open to anyone regardless of their faith, background, or phase of life. Our community reflects the nature of a Chö community, diverse and strong – with people of various backgrounds with a strong intention to practice participating from all over the world.
Members can attend retreats and online classes and other programs at a discount. Several of our introductory Master Courses are also free to members.
Members also have the opportunity to develop a personal practice curriculum together with our spiritual director and teacher, Chöying Khandro. The specifics depend upon each individual student's own inspiration and needs and may include study and practice of the foundations of Buddhism all the way up to Vajrayana and Cho. Members are given the opportunity to conduct a practice interview with Khandro-la every other month and receive transmissions of many of our core lineage practices.
For others, contributing monthly membership dues may simply be an expression of support for the tradition of the Ear-Whispered Chö and the teachings of Chöying Khandro. For further information about supporting Dakini's Whisper, please see our Donations Page.
Membership is $30 per month (due on the first weekend of each month) or $330 per year.
Once you've completed and submitted the Membership Registration Form, you may visit the Donations page to set up future AUTOMATED MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP PAYMENTS or to remit the $300 remainder of the ONE-TIME ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP PAYMENT.
![PayPal Button](https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donateCC_LG.gif)
![PayPal Button](https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif)
Your Membership:
Supports Dakini's Whisper's mission to bring ancient wisdom to our daily life
Promotes and preserves the lineages of the Ear-Whispered Chö
Supports Dakini's Whisper programs and retreats
Develops online programs and other events
Supports local and worldwide community members
Brings our worldwide Dakini's Whisper practitioners together
Builds our dynamic practice communities
Benefits of Membership include:
Free Online Chö Practice
Free Online Weekend Retreat
Free Dakini Day Online
Free eLearning - Master Course 1 & Master Course 2
Free Members' Gathering (i.e. Open House, End-of-the-Year Gathering)
Free DW Book Club (forthcoming in 2020)
Discounts on other programs and retreats
Opportunity to develop a personal practice curriculum
Optional bi-monthly interview with Khandro--la
Benefits of Cho Mastery Program include:
Everything in the Community Membership above is included
Free eLearning - Additional Master Courses 4: Mahamudra Shamatha, Topography of the Path
Free Cho-Practicum & Hands-On
Free Instruction & Group Practice - Ngondro & Personal Guidance
Free Access to the Cho Mastery Website and Resouces
Free Cho Mastery Trainees Study and Practice Discussion
Discounts on Online Courses - Mahamudra and The Topography of the Path, starting in Feb 2010
Further Discounts on other programs and retreats
Personal Guidance on ANNUAL SOLITARY RETREAT(S)(i.e. day-long, 3-day weekend retreat)
Two Online/Onsite instructional Sessions with Khandro-la per year
Online Support on Master Courses via video or email as requested
Opportunity to join Khandro-la for a Mongolia Pilgrimage in November 2020