Dakini is the silence that hears, and the space that sees, touches, smells, and experiences all things – inner and outer phenomena. Revealing her secrets, my life can turn completely upside down! And then, everything that I see, feel, hear, touch, smell, taste and think are Dakini, Prajnaparamita, Vajrayogini, buddha nature - inseparable. Imagining this, generating awareness, feeling energy, sensations, I come face-to-face with her and, alas! There is a sighting of my “original face before I was born.” Here my heart expands into the vast universe and dissolves into fierce, non-objectifying compassion.
If I could draw this “Living as Dakini” experience, it would be empty space with continuous movements that arise and dissolve; that have no beginning and no end; that come in me and through me; and that touch all beings and all things sparking a knowing that opens every heart, especially mine.
Living as Dakini ignites my spiritual/human journey with a power that is limitless.