A Contemporary Pilgrimage to
Oct. 2023 - Jan. 2025
16-Month Online Course with Dakini's Whisper
Sept 22-24, 2023 Vajrayogini Empowerment Retreat
Oct 1, 2023 Invitation/Teaching by Chöying Khandro
Oct 2023 - Dec 2024 Monthly Online Teaching by Chöying Khandro & Launch on eLearning of suggested readings, video teachings and meditations, self-inquiry exploration tools and other resources
Dec 2024 - Jan 2025 Vajrayogin Dakini Path 5-day Online Retreat
Jan 2025 Completion Certificate to Participants

Is Vajrayogini Calling?
Are you a practitioner who yearns to meet Vajrayogini?
Would you like to tread on the same ancient wisdom path that great masters have,
with Dakini, as Dakini, and into the Heart of the Queen of Dakinis, Vajrayogini?
Khandro-la wholeheartedly invites you to join THE DAKINI PATH - A Contemporary Pilgrimage to Vajrayogini, to meet and embody the Queen of Dakinis. This auspicious offering will deepen the spiritual and human journey of all eager, endeavoring modern-day practitioners. Those who seek structured guidance on the tantric journey, and feel a longing to be guided by Vajrayogini on the path to experiencing their own Buddha nature are welcome.
DAKINI PATH is an online course offered by Chöying Khandro, a deep exploration of Vajrayogini practice based on her new book “DAKINI JOURNEY IN THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD”. By joining, you’ll be provided with materials, videos and recordings through our eLearning module that will give you the support and freedom to progress during these meaningful 16 months.
A Monthly Retreat With Khandro-la
Starting on Oct. 1, and
on the 4th Sunday of each month, 1-3pm PDT.
Each Retreat will include meditation, teaching, and student dialogue, as well as occasional transmission of lineage for practices.
Monthly Vajrayogini & Five Dakinis Group Practice
Practitioners have the opportunity to practice and share experiences.
Students new to these practices will learn the sadhanas as part of Dakini Path, and have access to
eLearning courses and resources relevant to the practices.
Monthly Assignments
Complete the monthly assigned chapter of the book. Read, contemplate and meditate/practice.
You are encouraged to post DAKINI'S CORNER BLOG and share your experience each month. This may be in a creative form such as artwork, writing, journal, music and so forth.
Final Culmination
A final project is requested from each student at the end of the program. It's easier than you think.
Whatever helps you enhance the intimate direct experience of your DAKINI PATH in any creative form is welcome.
We just want you to further explore the DAKINI PATH beyond this program, by expressing your inspiration.
Subtle Body Training
You are encouraged to register for Subtle Body Training (SBT), “DAKINI PATH with the Body”.
Integrating body-oriented (yogic) practice with your training is crucial in tantric Buddhism.
Members can enjoy each year: Emerald - one free series; Ruby - two free series; Turquoise - three free series.
eLearning Resources
Our DW eLearning is a rich resource for DAKINI PATH. You will have access to relevant eLearning Master Courses.
Our eLearning module which compiled with materials, videos and recordings support you on the flexibility to progress on this program.
Vajrayogini practice, rooted in the ancient wisdom of Masters from the past, is tremendously beneficial to the modern world when challenges are prominent. Your navigation on the Dakini Path will ripen a deeper and fuller embodiment on your human and spiritual life. We will explore, for example:
Who is Vajrayogini?
What are the various expressions of Vajrayogini?
How do I embody Her in my own life?
If you have just started practicing tantra, or are about to, you are welcome to join the DAKINI PATH. Pilgrims of all backgrounds will find inspiration on this integrative path of Dakini.
If you are unfamiliar with Vajrayogini, or just starting Dakini lineage practices (such as the Five-Dakinis Practice), you will feel a sense of “coming home.”
If you are already practicing tantra, you will deepen and strengthen your commitment to the tantric path. A sensible integration of Vajrayogini, Subtle Body Completion Stage, and Dakini practice will naturally come into your life.
Meeting Vajrayogini - Artwork by Alimma and Shona

Received Vajrayogini Empowerment;
or will receive it on September 23, 2023, offered by Chöying Khandro-la (See more info here). -
Completion of Five Dakinis Retreat with mantra accumulations, or plan to complete this by December 2024.
You are required to attend a minimum of 75% of the:
- monthly retreats with Khandro-la (4th Sunday per month), AND
- monthly Vajrayogini or/and Five Dakini group practice sessions followed by a discussion facilitated by senior students.
(A significant aspect of the content of this new Journey will be esoteric, experiential, and orally transmitted. Therefore, your participation is crucial.)
Complete the monthly studying, contemplating and practice recommendations using Khandro-la's book, video teachings, and self-inquiry.
You are encouraged to post on DAKINI'S CORNER BLOG and share your personal experience in the month. This may be in any creative form such as artwork, writing, journal, music and so forth.
To apply for this journey, please complete and submit the form below no later than September 1st, 2023, and complete any action related to your DW membership level, if required (see below).
DAKINI PATH requires Emerald Membership Level or above, or costs $944 without membership. ***PLEASE NOTE: DW offers scholarships to those who need financial support for the members. DW will be happy to provide this support based on your circumstance and you can indicate your need on the form.
If you are a current DW Emerald Member or above, no membership-level action is required.
If you are not a current DW Emerald Member or above, please upgrade your DW membership here. In order to do that, you will need to cancel your current recurring PayPal payment and establish a new one at the Emerald level or above.
If you are not a member of DW, please follow the instructions on our Membership page to join the Emerald Level Membership.
If you are not a member of DW and would like to pay for the total fee of the course, please use the form here to do so.