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New Publication

Khandro-la's New Book

The Heart of
Chö, Volume Three

Kindle & Paperback are NOW available on Amazon


Sunday, February 2nd, 11:30 am-1:00 pm PST

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“Energies aren’t separate from us; they arise through our mind and imagination. Visualization should be precise, as every detail affects the subtle body. Invocation is powerful, especially when you connect with the energy, not just the form. Remember, deities, like Dakinis, are felt as well as seen—they have heart.” 

In Dakini Journey: In the River of Blessing, Chöying Khandro offers a profound and illuminating commentary on the Five-Dakini Retreat Manual, a sacred text from the lineage of Chö, a powerful tradition of Tibetan Buddhist practice. Drawing from the ancient Ear-Whispered Lineage—a direct transmission of teachings passed from master to disciple—she opens the doors to the mystical realm of the Five Dakinis, offering a rare opportunity to engage deeply with the transformative energy of these enlightened beings

Would you like a copy signed by Chöying Khandro?


A limited number of signed copies of Dakini Journey in the Contemporary World are available at no extra cost at DW Media Store. We do ask, if you purchase a signed copy you graciously write a brief, sincere review on Amazon after reading the book. We are encouraging these heart-felt reviews as a way to share Dakini teachings and benefit others.

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Did you read Khandro-la's first book?
The Heart of Chö, Volume One: Chö Foundations

Please go here to find out more and leave your review.

Check out this review of Khandro-la's first book!

"This book is a jewel of Buddhist wisdom from this fearless Heart of Chod practice. Whether one is an active Chod practitioner, a beginner, or perhaps just has a curiosity about these ancient teachings aimed at severing our self-grasping, Choying's words will make this practice come alive for you! The meditations themselves are a treasure for any Buddhist student and the lively discussions shared between students and teacher resonate quite directly with everyday experiences on and off the cushion. I feel many sentient beings will benefit from the reading of this book!" - TH on Amazon

Here is a link to order this book on DW Media Store or on Amazon and leave a review there.

Did you read Khandro-la's second book? The Heart of Chö, Volume Two: Dakini Journey in the Contemporary World.


“What would it be like to journey with Dakini, this being whose body is completely grounded, whose mind is crystal clear with wise knowing, 

whose heart is immensely vast and open like the     sky, yet full of tender, fearless, and overwhelming compassion?”

This compelling journey will take you right into the heart of Dakini, the compassionate embodiment of “inner wakefulness.” Emerging from Chöying Khandro’s teachings, meditations, and dialogue with student practitioners through a period of extensive exploration of Dakini, Dakini Journey brings ancient teachings into the modern world through the lens of the five elements, our six senses, and subtle body. With her encouraging self-inquiry, we find the voice of the Dakini, or “sky-dancer,” the awakened awareness dwelling within. 




Chöying Khandro has been recognized as an inspiring, innovative, and accessible teacher of Tibetan Buddhism in the West for 25 years. Trained in India and the Himalayas from 1976 to 1985 under the great Tibetan masters at that time, she holds Buddhist Studies degrees from Waseda University and the University of Michigan and is also trained in body-oriented disciplines. As a heart disciple of the late Ninth Khalkha Jetsun Dampa, Khandro-la completed the protocols of the rare and precious Machik Dakini Ear-Whispered Lineage of Chö. Inspired by his encouragement, she founded and is the spiritual leader of Dakini’s Whisper, an international online community whose mission is to integrate ancient wisdom into the lives of dedicated, contemporary practitioners around the world.

© 2020 - 2024 by Dakini's Whisper, Chöying Khandro, USA                          
Artwork © Soyolmaa Davaakhuu

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