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A Comprehensive Five-Level Chö Training Program

Step into the Stunning River of  the Ear-Whispered Chö Lineage of Machik Dakini, 

The Lineage of Wandering Yogis and Yoginis!

An Invitation to the Ear-Whispered Chö


“In a sense, this Chö practice is a practice of the time we are living in with lots of personal and cultural shadows surfacing. We dive directly into the root of suffering by offering what we are most attached to, namely the body. That’s the juicy part of this human condition in the charnel ground. These times are manure, fertile ground, or a springboard for transformation. This is Chö practice, right now, in this present moment.”

- Dakini Journey in the Contemporary World


The Chö Mastery Journey is a multi-layered training journey through the Ganden-Ensa Ear-Whispered Lineage (Ganden Wensa Nyengyü) and the Machik Ḍākinī Ear-Whispered lineage (Machik Khandro Nyengyü), the lineages of wandering chöpas. These blessed and unique lineages encompass the entire path, leading practitioners from preliminaries all the way to awakening. The practices are profound and powerful as well as beautiful, melodious, and imbued with the Dakini’s blessings. 

The Ganden/Ensa Ear-Whispered Lineage has been held by the prominent masters in the Geluk order.  The lineage itself has come from the founder of the Geluk tradition, Lama Tsongkhapa's (1357–1419) direct transmission from Manjushri as well as from Machik Labdron (1055 - 1149) through Choje. Recent research by a historian suggests that the lineage gurus of the Ganden/Ensa Ear-Whispered Lineage were the original disciples of Lama Tsongkhapa.  

The Machik Dakini Ear-Whispered lineage is a rare and Tantric Chö lineage that has been uninterruptedly carried through great masters for centuries. The lineage was strictly orally transmitted and was on the verge of disappearing by the early 20th century.  Extremely discreet, the lineage did not settle in any institutional framework and spread all the way to the isolated regions of Tibet and Inner Mongolia. (Please read more about the lineage on the page - "What is the Machik Ḍākinī Ear-Whispered Lineage?")

Dakini’s Whisper is rooted in the authenticity of these ancient traditions while embracing the inclusivity of a contemporary approach to practicing and living the dharma. The Chö Mastery Journey welcomes any individual, regardless of affiliations and level of spiritual maturation, who has a strong resonance with bringing this rare Chö tradition into their spiritual journey. Step in the unbroken current of the stunning river of Ganden/Ensa Ear-Whispered Lineage and the Machik Ḍakini Ear-Whispered lineage. Fully immerse yourself in the practices for your own spiritual unfolding and commitment to others, and let the river of the blessed lineages carry you through to the ocean of awakening! 


The Chö Mastery Journey systematically guides individuals through the practices, teachings, and retreats of the Ear-Whispered Chö Lineages, including the lineage blessings, empowerments, oral, textual, and musical transmissions, and commentaries of a total of 11 lineage texts, as well as the formal retreats which are required to advance through the journey. If you are a long-term practitioner, the journey will also serve as an exploration of vital and advanced subjects and meditative practices for further deepening, unfolding, and integrating the lineage practices into your spiritual journey. If you are new to Chö practice, Chö Mastery Journey will guide you on a trusted path to awakening, exactly the same one that ancient masters - yogis and yoginis - tread.

Five Levels have been created to ensure flexibility for individual practitioners and, at the same time, ensure the authenticity of the lineage is not compromised. As a Chö Mastery Journey pilgrim, you will journey through each Level in your own time frame. Upon completion of each Level, you will request an interview with Khandro-la for the purpose of reflection, inquiry, and dharma guidance, and receive certification of the completion of each Level. Then you will be eligible to enter the next level, until reaching the Post-Chö Mastery Journey.



The Five-Level Journey aims at transmitting, exploring, and preserving the integrity of the unbroken, authentic lineage and to keep the lineage alive with full integrity as a living experience in a way that is relevant and accessible. Completely traditional and completely modern, our approach is based on authentic transmission, yet not bound by the culturally conditioned tradition. An underlying intention of the journey is to support your personal awakening through the spiritual journey of Chö and to build a strong foundation for the spiritual community of dedicated practitioners of the Ear-Whispered Lineages. 


  • To guide committed practitioners in the lineage through complete transmissions, commentaries, training, and consistent support in a traditional, sequential, and systematic manner. All the musical transmissions will be passed on as well as the traditional ritual protocols to maintain the authenticity of the practice.


  • To foster modern practitioners in their personal unfolding and integration of their practice by exploring the teachings and practices of the tradition in a manner that is experiential and transformative. This is done with an emphasis on personal meditation practice and direct experience.


  • To train individuals so that they will be able to carry out all the core lineage practices, continue to deepen their practice for further spiritual unfolding and culmination, bring the experiences from the practices to their own life and become vehicles of awakening for benefiting others. Students will serve as key members of the Ḍākinī’s Whisper community to carry the lineage and help make the lineage into an alive, dynamic, and living force.

© 2020 - 2024 by Dakini's Whisper, Chöying Khandro, USA                          
Artwork © Soyolmaa Davaakhuu

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