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the Ear-Whispered Lineage

Chö Empowerment

"Opening the Door to the Sky"

Sunday, September 26, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm, PST

This event will be an online webcast due to the pandemic.

Open to All!

Registration is required.



Dakini's Whisper is pleased to announce the offering of this rare and precious CHO Empowerment of the Ear-Whispered Lineage, the lineage of wandering yogis and yoginis. Our source teacher, Khalkha Jetsun Dampa, was a very close friend of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. His Holiness invited Khalkha Rinpoche to Dharamsala, India, in the early 90s and encouraged him to transmit the Ear-Whispered Cho lineages he held. Khandro-la, Khalkha Rinpoche's senior student, our spiritual teacher, will lead us to the river of this uninterrupted current of blessings.

The opportunity to receive this Empowerment is rare indeed. All are invited, including pilgrims on Dakini's Whisper Journeys and those who have already received the Empowerment! The blessings and merit are deep and endless!



To register for CHO EMPOWERMENT, please complete the form below. It is customary to express your gratitude and make an auspicious connection to the lineage by making a monetary offering. Therefore, we ask that your registration include a donation based on the suggested sliding scale of $25 - $75. Once we receive your registration, you will receive the zoom link to the empowerment.

Those who have previously received this Cho Empowerment from Khandro-la and wish to attend this 9/26, Empowerment may attend at no cost. However, we do ask that you complete the registration form and, of course, dana is always auspicious as an expression of deepening your connection to the lineage.

© 2020 - 2024 by Dakini's Whisper, Chöying Khandro, USA                          
Artwork © Soyolmaa Davaakhuu

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