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A Comprehensive Cho program that offers structured and balanced guidance, encompassing theoretical knowledge, practical training, and...
E-DAKINI JOURNEY - A Deep Dive Into the Heart of Dakini
A One-Year, Online, Self-Paced, Online Course with Choying Khandro (Artwork by Rima Fujita) Have you ever wondered what the Dakini really...
A Glimpse into the Basics of Subtle Body Yoga Here you can learn the basics of Subtle Body and Subtle body yoga. Learn and practice the...
Master Course 7: Songs of Spiritual Experience - Condensed Points of the Lam Rim
The Eleven Sessions of the Graduated Path to Awakening Je Tsongkhapa’s exquisite, short, SONGS OF SPIRITUAL REALIZATION (also translated...
COMMENTARY SERIES - Khenpo Gangshar's "Naturally Liberating Whatever We Meet"
There are times when we feel we are in the midst of the charnel ground, terrifying and challenging times in our life and the world. In...
MASTER COURSE 1 - Chö Foundations
Building the foundation of Chö and Vajrayana A Six-Week Series led by Chöying Khandro CHÖ FOUNDATIONS is a gateway to the Buddhist Path....
MASTER COURSE 2 - Mahamudra Shamatha I
Resting in the Conventional Nature of Mind - Settling the Mind in its Natural State A Five-Week Series led by Chöying Khandro THE CHÖ...
MASTER COURSE 3 - Chö Practice Basics I
Chö Whispered From the Mount of Bliss A 10-Week Series on led by Chöying Khandro The Ten-Week Chö Series offers an in-depth commentary on...
MASTER COURSE 4 - Mahamudra Shamatha II
In-depth Single-Pointed Meditation - the Art of Balance This course is devoted to the foundations and the development of single-pointed...
MASTER COURSE 5 - The Topography of the Path
A Journey to Authenticity - Lam Rim, The Stages of the Path to Awakening A great journey begins with having a map of the route. ABOUT THE...
MASTER COURSE 6 - Entering Highest Yoga Tanra
Overview of Buddhist Tantra and Highest Yoga Tantra Vajrayana or Buddhist Tantra is known as the "quick path" implying a more efficient...
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