Friday - Sunday Nov. 18 - 20, PST
Dakini's Whisper 2022 Fall Online Retreat
Chö empowerment
Opening the Door to the Sky
The launching of a Three-Months Householder’s Retreat
Five Dakinis or Troma Nakmo
Open to All Dakini’s Whisper Members
(Required by Cho Mastery Journey Pilgrims)
Non-Members Who Have Tantric Vows
(Become a member of Dakini’s Whisper here)
Registration Required
Deep practice is the core of our commitment to waking up to our lives in this world of complexity. The opportunity to receive this Cho Empowerment of the Ear-Whispered Lineage is rare indeed, and the blessings and merit are immense and endless! Join fellow Dakini’s Whisper’s yogis and yoginis on this 3-day Retreat to make a new or renewed commitment to the lineage practices and tantric vows, and to receive lineage blessings to enhance your practice.
This will also be an auspicious occasion for Dakini’s Whisper members to embark on a personal householder Three-Months Five Dakini or Troma Nakmo Retreat which will be supported by Khandro-la and the sangha. Opportunities for group practice will be held twice a month to support your personal practice, one by Khandro-la and another by senior students.
This retreat will offer -
Refuge and Bodhisattva Vows
Cho Empowerment, transmissions and commentary, which are traditionally required to begin Cho practice and the Five Dakini Retreat practice with mantra accumulations.
Dakini Day Tsok - Vajrayogini Cho Tsok
Cho Commentary and Practices (as time allows)
Invitation to Five Dakini Retreat and Troma Nakmo Retreats
Vajrayogini Eight-Line Praise Transmission and Practice
Personal Meeting with Khandro-la
All times are Pacific Time
Friday, November 18
1-2 pm - Opening Retreat
2:30-5 pm - Dakini Day Tsok - Vajrayogini Cho Tsok
Saturday, November 19
1-4 pm - Cho Empowerment
5-6:30 pm Healing Cho - Open to the Public
Sunday, November 20
1-3 pm - Cho Transmission and Practice
3:30-4:30 pm - Call for 5 Dakini Retreat and Troma Nakmo Retreat, and Closing
25-minute private meeting times with Khandro-la will be available during the following time slots which are scheduled to accommodate the many different time zones of our members. Please contact Ellen at dakiniswhisperteam@gmail.com to schedule. If none of the time slots work for you, please contact Ellen to arrange another time.
- Sunday, November 20, 5 -6 pm, PDT
- Monday, November 21, 11 pm-2 am, PDT
(Tuesday, November 22, 8 am-10 am, CEST)
(Tuesday, November 22, 4 pm-6 pm, AEST)
- Tuesday, November 22, 4-6 pm, PDT
All the practice texts can be purchased from the DW Media Store.
NOTE: These are only for those of you who will engage in specific practices.
Supplementary Practices - This text includes various Cho-Related practices and is strongly recommended for all participants.
Ganden Cho Practices -This text includes Preliminary and Concluding Practices.
Five Dakinis Retreat Manual (Preliminary to Cho) - This Retreat manual is for the meditation and mantra accumulation of the Five Dakinis.
Troma Nakmo - This text is the Sadhana of Wrathful Black Dakini (Separate Transmission and Empowerment are required)
Tunes are also available in the Media Store.
Dakini’s Whisper members or Non-members with Tantric vows (Not yet a member? Become a member of Dakini’s Whisper here.)
The suggested range is requested as a registration fee and dana for your participation in this inspiring retreat that includes empowerment and transmission. If the lowest range is not feasible for you and you would like to request financial assistance, please contact Ellen at dakiniswhisperteam@gmail.com.
Members $45 - $95
Non-Members $65 - $125
Regardless of whether or not you plan to participate in the entire retreat, registration is required for all attendees no later than 12 noon, Pacific Time, November 11, using the form here with your donation as the registration fee.
The Short Six Session Yoga (Refuge and Bodhicitta) (only 1 page) twice a day, morning and evening.
If you are participating in the Three Month Retreat - Five Dakini Retreat Practice or Troma Nakmo Sadhana with meditation and mantra during the three-month retreat daily or as often as possible or/and
Eight-Line Praise, as many as possible (optional but strongly encouraged).
Eight-Line Praise, as many as possible (optional but strongly encouraged).
This event is required by all Chö Mastery Journey pilgrims.
If you are interested in joining the Cho Mastery Journey, please apply here.
The Cho Empowerment, scheduled for Saturday, November 19, 1-4 pm, PST, is a preliminary to Cho practice and to the Five Dakinis Practice with mantra accumulation. Therefore, it is required as the initial step to dive into the lineage practices. There is an option only to participate in the empowerment if your schedule does not allow you to attend all the sessions.
Following this online Retreat, you are "encouraged" but not required to join in a 3-month householder retreat which involves making a personal commitment to do the Five Dakinis Practice sadhana with mantra accumulations or the Troma Nakmo sadhana daily or as often as possible. The 3-month householder retreat creates a personal intention or container within which to learn the practice with the support of KL and the sangha, connect with the Dakinis, and begin to accomplish the required mantra accumulation so that you can join others on this DW journey.
Shantideva's Dedication Prayer
Hosted by TARA ROSE, Washington, D.C.
These requests and suggestions are intended to deepen your experience and help our time together flow at the empowerment.
This is a sacred and auspicious occasion. Consider your participation with the intention to create a meaningful experience.
Observe silence as much as possible.
Stay present and be intentionally focused. While this can be difficult online, it impacts how you, and potentially others, experience the Empowerment.
The Zoom link for this retreat will be https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88538519556
With respect to our teacher and each other, please observe these Zoom courtesies.
Arrive 5-10 mins early so you are ready when Khandro-la arrives.
Keep your audio MUTED unless speaking.
Indicate your name as your Zoom name so we can be clear about who is with us.
Keep your video in order to fully participate and be present with the teacher and the sangha.
Use the hand-raise function ( Click the Reactions button on the Zoom platform) during sharing and Q&A time.
Do not share the Zoom ink with others who have not registered.
For general questions, contact Ellen at dakiniswhisperteam@gmail.com.